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How to Submit Tax Information Form in Google Adsense for YouTube & Blog Earnings | Step by

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How to Submit Tax Information Form in Google Adsense for YouTube & Blog Earnings | Step by

How to Submit Tax Information Form in Google Adsense for YouTube & Blog Earnings | Step by 

Steps very recently youtube made a very importantupdate that affects all monetized creators here on the youtube platform so henceforth you will be paying a particular percentage of your revenue to the us tax authorities howeverYou can get a reduced tax rate if you are a resident or a citizen of some particular countries thatalready have tax treaties with the UnitedStates and finally does your country have atax treaty with the u.s some countries have a tax treaty with the u.s that can potentiallyreduce the tax withholding rate on your revenues if you submit your tax info and claim a treatybenefit your tax rate might be reduced for examplepartners in the uk or canada may be eligiblefor a tax rate of zero percent while partnersin mexico or korea may be eligible for a tax rateof 10 percent adsense will automatically surfacethe opportunity to claim a treaty benefit ifone exists between your country and the ushow to fill in your tax information for the newyoutube adsense tax payment and I'll be showing youhow you can get a lower percentage or even zeropercent depending on the country that you arethat is if your country has a tax treaty with theunited states government if you are new here myadsense account once you log in you see thisnotification you just click on manage the infoand then you'll be directed to the manage taxinfo page here you'll be able to add your taxinformation once you click her tax informationit will prompt you to confirm that you are theowner of the account once you impute your passwordyou will start the united states tax info processso you'll be asked to pick whether you areindividual or a business so i picked individualbecause i am not a registered um business hereso i picked individual then you click on nextis a husky via citizen president of the unitedstates no click on next of course this is forpeople who are outside of the united statesof america so you'll be prompted to selecta tax form so the first one is the one that fitsmost for me so i clicked on it and i clicked onstartso this brings me to this page where my nameis automatically impute and then if you haveanother name for a business entitythen you might impute that on that dbayou select your country of citizenship when youclick on the drop down arrow you'll be able to seedifferent countries and my country is nigeriaSo I went ahead and clicked on Nigeriaso after that it will ask for your foreign teamyour foreign tax identification number that isyou are not uh from the united states you areoutside of the united states they want to haveyour tax information for the country which youare in so i impute my tax information for unitedkingdom because i stay in the united kingdom and iclicked on next next you are going to fill in yourcountry of residence and your address so thereare two addresses your postal address and yourpermanent resident address so just tick the boxup there that says permanent residence addressand po box is the same so that you don'thave to feel it twice so once you take ityou go on to the next one and then for the taxtreaty it will ask you if you are claiming areduced tax rates click on yes and then pickthe country there are a list of countries thatalready have treaty with the u.s if your countryis not there there's nothing you can do but ifyour country is there click on it i stay inthe united kingdom so i picked united kingdomand then i picked all the services there are threeservices there um there's um the service accessthere's the motion picture part so i clickedall the three and i filled the informationso make sure you tick all the boxes after youclicked yes or no reach through it and clickthe boxes as they apply to you click on thedrop down below the particular treaty thatyou've picked and it will bring you the articleand paragraph automatically pick the withholdingrate of course you want to pick zero percentor whatever percent that you see according tothe country of your residence so go ahead and takeas you read make sure you read everythingwell then take as appropriate and then you go onto the next um the next phase so the next phaseis where you'll be able to preview the documentso there's a list of the documents as you havealready filled it will automatically put it in apdf for you click on it and you'll be able to seewhat the w8bn certificate looks like so if you areokay we did find you go on and ahead but if notyou can actually go back and edit the things thatyou've already picked up then you confirm that theinformation that you have given is correct clickon next and then below it is the certificationand all the laws and everything you might wantto take your time to really reach through thisso that you are sure that you are doing the rightthing it will give you um the reasons for why youhave picked what you have paid as long as you areSure that the reasons are right then you can goon by signing so your signature will be your fulllegal name so here i put in my full legal nameand it's asking me if I'm the one with thesignature so i picked yes if you are doing this onOn behalf of your um child then you pick no and thenI guess there will be other questions that willfollow so read through and certify that um theservices provided are provided outside of usthen it will ask you if this account has alreadyreceived payments before or it's a new accountso i've received payment before with this soi just picked that it's an existing accountso whichever one applies to you pick it but for meit's an existing account so I picked that i don'tthink that's going to have any effect on um on thepercentage so take the final agreement if there'sAny changes you want to make make it there then youclick on submit so that's it now your account isset up and automatically you'll be approved and asyou can see status is approved the date is thereand um all the claims that i've made uh there'szero percentage representation represents the sitethere is my address and you can always submit anew form if you want you can always submita new form and you can check out so immediatelyi did that they sent me a mail to confirm that mytax information has been approved so you receivea mail immediately from google adsense that your

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